OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM —_— x Date: . June 4, 1976 To : Executive Committee, Admission Committee, Committee of Five, SMSA Executive Committee From : Clayton Rich, M.D. SUBJECT: Some of you may have seen a recent letter of the NEJM referred to in the enclosed letter from Dean Ebert of Harvard Medical School. I believe that you should also see his response. I associate myself with the opinions and conclusions he expresses. Sincerely, } \ Clayton Rich, M.D. CR/irb ACGNAL JUN 9 1976 oe D2ar LWNGNVEOWaW 331430 © ALISUZAINN GYOINVLS © WNONVYOWIW FIO © ALISYZAINN GYOANVLIS © WNGNVHOWRW 3351ddO © ALISHAAINN GYOANVLS ¢