Announcement THE ROBERT A. WELCH AWARD IN CHEMISTRY The Trustees of The Robert A. Welch Foundation announce the establishment of “The Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry”, as set forth below: PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of The Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry is to foster and encourage basic chemical research, and to rese, i ct_to the betterment of mankind as set forth i ill of Robert Alonzo Welch. It is believed that the addition of this new award to the program of The Robert A. Welch Foundation will play an important role in aiding and strengthening the present grant-in-aid, conference and lectureship programs. The Founder was interested in the ultimate meaning of chemistry for all of mankind, especially in its service to. both the material betterment and to the understanding of human life. Following the above outlined principles the award is to be considered for any person who has made an important chemical research contribution which is significant in affecting for the better, now or in the forseeable future, the lives of many of mankind. This award is intended to recognize contributions that have not previously been rewarded in a similar manner. AWARD RULES AND REGULATIONS General Conditions; The award shall be designated as “‘The Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry”, and shall be awarded, when justified, but not more than once every two years. The amount of the award shall be $75,000. In addition the awardee shall receive a gold medal bearing on its obverse a bold relief of Robert Alonzo Welch, and on its reverse the name of the awardee, a statement that the award is made on the basis of the awardee’s meritorious research work in chemistry, and the date of the award. Furthermore, the awardee will receive a diploma or certificate. The presentation of the award, including the award amount, the medal, and the certificate shall be presented at.the banquet held in conjunction with the annual “Con- ferences” of The Robert A. Welch Foundation. The awardee will be required to be present in person, and will be expected to give a brief address on the subject of his research, or on a topic related to the role of chemistry and science in the betterment of mankind. The ceremony at the awarding shall be arranged to be simple and dignified. Nominations: 1. The following scientific organizations shall be requested to submit not more than two nominations each: American Chemical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Institute of Chemists, National Academy of Sciences, and the corresponding organizations in several countries external to the United States of America. 2. Nominations may also be received from any individual who has a meritorious nominee to propose. A proposed nominee who nominates himself will not be considered. 3. All nominations must include (a)_a brief biographical sketch of the prepesed_pominee, (b) a complete list of the nominee’s scientific publicatigns, (c)~a statement of the specific scientific research area in chemistry on which the nomination is based, and (d) not more than three (3) “nomination seconding letters. Such seconding letters in excess of the first three received will not be included in the file. The members of the Scientific Advisory Board may consider persons whom they nominate, to insure that no qualified nominee is omitted from consideration. The Robert A. Welch Award shall be awarded not more often than every two years, but the award may be omitted in any award period during which the Scientific Advisory Board and the Board of Trustees are of the opinion that truly meritorious nominations have not been received. Trustees and officers of the Foundation, and members of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Foundation are not eligible for nomination. Renomination must be made if a nominee is to be con- sidered in subsequent years. Award Procedure; The Foundation, through its officers, will transmit to the Scientific Advisory Board all nominations that (a) are re- ceived prior to April 1 of even-numbered years, the estab- lished deadline for a specific award period, and (b) that meet the nomination conditions given above. The Scientific Advisory Board at its Spring meeting prior to the proposed award presentation in the Fall, will (a) consider aii of ine official nominations on their merit, (b) consider whether or not any nominee or nominees are worthy of the award, and (c) will recommend to the Board of Trustees not more than three nominees if (b) is decided in the affirmative. The Board of Trustees will select the final awardee. The awardee will be notified of his selection subject to his agreement to attend the award presentation in person and to give the address described above. If the first selectee declines to receive the award, the Board of Trustees will then consider the remaining nominees recommended by the Scientific Advisory Board or may omit the award until a subsequent time. Nominations with supporting documents should be addressed to: THE ROBERT A. WELCH FOUNDATION 2010 Bank of Southwest Building Houston, Texas 77002, U.S.A.