i STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Fy STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 « (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Depariment of Genetics Goshua Ledeberg mere Dear Carl Recommendations for Syntex Board Mary Elien Avery is certainly among the leaders of academic medicine in America, and it might be difficult to find a single other woman who would match her credentials and reputation. She was a leading contender in our own search for a new Head of Pediatrics; but she herself insisted on her unavailability (she still had too much to do at McGill) -- but was nevertheless very helpful in reviewing other candidates. I personally met her only on this one occasion (she was en route to e meeting at Carmel-- and will probably be doing the same again next month) but this interview fully confirmed her universal reputation, which is of an outstanding person in res- pect to research, academic commitment, administration and human relations. | She appears to be an extremely forthright person, and if there are any con- ceivable obstazles to an effective relationship, which I do not foresee, she will make them visible within a few minutes conversation. As you will note from the resume, she is now head of Pediatrics at McGill, where she still continues research on neonatal physiology whileb running a complicated and excellent clinical service. Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Gynecology are the fields where one might expect talented women to have reaclred high visibility. I know that the Medi- cine search committee found no woman to whom they would give serious consi- deration; and while the criteria are not the same, they do have something in common. a Another credible selection among women pediatricians would have been Audrey Brown, whose reputation is excellent, but not exuberant as Avery's is. I have no personal acquaintance with her, but include the c.v. from my files. You should give very serious consideration to Betty Hamburg. She has been somewhat slighted in academic recognition because she has only recently retired from motherhood enough to put full time into academic and research work. However, she has a reputation among clinicians that puts her in the top cadre of child psychiatrists -- letters from Yale and Harvard showed no hesi- tation in her qualifying for professorships; her current research, mainly on problems of adolescence is very well regarded. And I have known her well for Many years and have the utmost respect for her commonsense, shrewdness, and intuition for anticipating trouble in human situations that alone would already qualify her very well for a role as a "public' member of a corporation Board. You will notice substantial related experience in her resume. , All in all, I think that Mary Avery would be the first choice for this ~ particular role, especially if you give great weight to her general reputation in medicine. As a working member, Betty would also excel, and should be a close second, Se LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL ARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE