Prof. I.B. Cohen V 5 Stella Road Belmont, MA 02178 2 January 1991 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh, Many thanks for the letter with the enclosures. I shall try to get you the quote from Lagrange which is similar to the one you have in an attribution to Von Humboldt. I enclose a xerox of a few pages from my edition of Benjamin Franklin's Experiments, the first book I ever published (in 1942). In it, there is reprinted a letter which Franklin published in the revised edition of his book on electricity in 1774. It is addressed to Dr. John Lining, a most interesting figure in the development of American science. Here you will have an authentic modern scientist saying something very much like what you had in mind. I have not yet had a chance to read your article with the diagrams. I shall probably be writing to you about it in relation to my own chapter shortly. Incidentally, we have moved since we last corresponded. It was only through the kindness of the new resident that I received your letter. In the move I have mislaid my reprints of the two other publications of yours dealing with this ‘subject of "premature" and "post-mature." I recall that one of them was a joint note (you and Harriet) in Nature and the other was a longer article by you alone. If it would be convenient for you to send me the references I could look them up in the library. I hope we may meet again soon and have a real opportunity to discuss these matters further. With every good wish. Sincerely, OY I. Bernard en IBC/gt enc.