she p= STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER ~O-| ia STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 e (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE StanvonD UsivEnsr | , SEP 3 1971 Dr. Kenneth BYClark ) Psychology Depts . CUNY, New York, Ney. !VO4G Dear Professor Clark May I have the text of your address to the APA? I should not comment at all on the basis of possibly unreliable press reports; but I may betimes have commented on a related idea (see enclosures). I asked myself, what would be an "ideal" biological war- fare agent: ohviously, a virus that induced a state of pure pacificism on the part of the 'enemy'. But just such an attack would be resisted to the death by every available weapon. So I come to the paradoxical conclusion that any drug-panaceas we invent should be directed to the abolition of altruism (the appeal to which is undoubtedly the source of most of the mischief in the world). The drug we want would induce the utmost in selfish interest, which, to _be sure might be optimized by rational enlightenment about meeting the other fellow's needs, to improve your own welfare in the long run. Congratulations for stirring the pot with a wonderful metaphor. Your colleagues look all the more foolish for their excessive literalism, and their refusal to meet the essential issues you posed. Sincerely, oa HN FL shua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Do you recall our meeting at a most improbable occasion-- a workshop for TV executives at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, Calif.? Aa, 7)” yf Uy ey }22, | LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE