JUN 10 1968 ' THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 6, 1968 Dr. Joshua Lederburg Professor of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Professor Lederburg: John Roche, Jim Gaither and I thoroughly enjoyed the most stimulating discussion we had with you and your colleagues in San Francisco last week, As I mentioned then, we would appreciate greatly receiving any further thoughts you might have about possible Presidential statements during the next eight months, We would also like to have your views about the other subjects which were mentioned only briefly -- the study of the Presidency and the School of Public Service which is being established at the University of Texas. . The President has asked me to convey his personal gratitude for your taking the time to meet with us and for your suggestions which we have passed along to him. We hope that we will hear from you soon. Sincerely, L eph A, Calj ay. Le SpeciglfAssistant tdfhe President —_——