DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BUREAU OF HEALTH BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20014 PROFESSIONS EDUCATION : AND MANPOWER TRAINING REFER TO: JUN 15 1970 & Dr. Joshua Lederberg , Director, Kennedy Laboratories Department of Genetics Stanford Medical Center , Av 44 Palo Alto, California 94306 it) Dear Dr. Lederberg: yh A private citizen, in a recent letter to President Nixon, has expressed a concern that computer systems at Stanford University are being used inappropriately to further the efforts of groups opposed to the United States’ role in the Indochina War. In particular, the letter states that ",.enearly all of ACME's capacity of available time and terminal outlets is being used to produce multiple copies of seemingly individually typed letters of complaint to the various government officials and congressmen by the radical element or their sympathizers. And, on letterhead stationery besides!" I am sure you share our view that such use of ACME is entirely inconsistent with its health research mission and related scientific objectives, I would, however, appreciate having (a) your written assurance that all reason- able measures are being employed to prevent utilization of this life science computer resource for anything other than its stated purpose, and (b) a list of the specific steps being taken, Sincerely yours, WQenmnoa dd, Thomas G. Bowery, Ph.D. Director Division of Research Resources