STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics (415) 497-5052 . May 20, 1977 Dr. Michael Bernstein 7507 Girard Ave College Park, MD 20750 Dear Dr. Bernstein, I enjoyed our interesting conversation over the telephone. But I am not sure what tangible materials I should be sending you, without some clarity about your present objectives. You should read BillHayes' monograph "The Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses" as a general introduction to the biological landscape here, even though this predates the current "Recombinant DNA " technology. More specifically on the choice of E. coli K12 to become the Drosophila of bacterial genetics, the groundwork before this was already laid in the late 1930's with : the development of simple synthetic media for cultivating this organism, and the fact that it had already outdistanced most potential competitors in the cumulative volume of physiological research already done at that time. The fact that it was already so widespread in an apparently harmless association with man appeared to be a strong argument in favor of that choice, and I think that one needs to know quite a lot about the speciation of pathogenic forms of this or- ganism which tend to have quite special attributes before challenging :that tacit assumption. It would be difficult even today to insist very strongly on any alternative, since we would simply be opening the door to possible new dis~ coveries, both about the biological interrelationships of bacteria, and their ecological relationships with man and other species about which we really do not know a great deal. I do not think that this lack of perfect knowledge is a ten- able argument to suspend all microbiological research. The choice of the particular strain, Ki2, was one of Tatum'’s many seredipi- ties. That story has been told many times, but never completely , and I hope to go into more detail about it in the historical essays that, as I mentioned to you over the phone, I have been working on recently. I will be sending you some excerpts from these, a couple of reprints that seem to touch most closely to your questions, and the most relevant couple of pages of Barbara Bachmann's review. Besides that article, there have been several others on the genetics of E. coli and related organisms that you should find by thimbing back through the last several years of Bacteriological Reviews. "YSU ee cer seg) When you come down to some more concrete questions, or wish to discuss your overall directions, I would be happy to continue the dialog. Sincerely yours, -— Shua Lederberg rofessor of Genetics LT. J. Pp. KENNEDY, JR, LARORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE