October 26, 1973 Ms. Mary E. Cunnane Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation 1 Rockefeller Plaza New York, New York 10020 Dear Ms. Cunnane, IT am responding promptly, as you requested, to your letter of October 23rd concerning Dr. J.F. Crow's application for a Faculty Scholar Award. I have known Jim as a fellow professor since he joined the Genetics Department at Wisconsin in, I believe, 1948. He has had a stellar career as one of the most respected of population geneticists in the United States. His modesty and humility are very inadequate witness to the real depth of his contributions to modern quantitative genetics. He has had a remarkable array of students with careers that match his ow. He has continued to remain actively involved in his research programs despite the harassments and interruptions of important administrative responsibilities at Wisconsin. He has, of course, played a central role in the formulation of radiation hazards policy, from a genetic standpoint, and has contributed a great deal to the rigor and temper such as can be found in this contentious field. His book with Kimura also stands as one of the landmarks in the field. I think you will have no difficulty in {dentifying him as among the top people in the U.S. if not the world in his field of research. His past productivity should reassure you about the certainty of a fruitful outcome from his collaboration with Kimura and Maryyama and his frankness in indicating his opportunism in selection of the most fruitful research directions should commend him to you rather than the reverse. His application has my full support, and I am sure will be a credit to the foundation if it ia awarded. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr