November 20, 1968 . Re XN Dr. W. M. Court-Brown Clinical and Population Cytogenetics Research Unit, MRC Western General Hospital Crewe Road Edinburgh 4, Scotland Dear Dr. Court-Brown: Thank you very much for your letter of November 11 and for your courtesy in sending me the preprints of your papers, which I have found most fascinating reading. Your focus on the disjoint occurrence of hypogonadism and of delin- (> quincy is of very great interest. There are some rather obvious speculations a that must have occurred to you long since. JI must admit that my very first reactions to the story were that it was too simple to be true, but as the Ce complexity unfolds in your present account, the whole subject takes on climactic SS dimensions. One might wonder, for example, whether different genotypes of Y chromosome might account for disparate phenotypes, particularly in view of the — already known heterogeneity of the size of the Y. Alternatively, one may imagine that the lesion is in the control cneters in the hypothalamus, or in the pituitary, and that delinquent behavior is a further consequence of the breakdown of hormono- stasis in those individuals whose gonadal development rises above threshold. d Is it quite impossible to obtain any retrospective growth rate information to => help refine our understanding of the effects on stature? I do not have the manuscripts in front of me, but I do not recall whether they point out differen- & tials in statur: effects as between hypo- and eu-gonadisn. I was most interested in the final sentence of your letter, and would urge you \ to include Stanford in your itinerary. At present I expect to be on campus throughout March, except for the week beginning Friday, March 21. If you could conveniently be here for either of the preceding Friday afternoons, I would like to ask whhther you would be willing to be scheduled for one of our regular departmental seminars, which, I am sure, will attract very wide attention in the Medical School. Our budget for these purposes is omewhat modest, but we can readily offer you $200 as a hlep to your travel expenses, and as much as another $100 if you have no other means to cover your trip within the U.S. Whatever your response to this invitation, I would look forward to seeing you whenever you can arrange it. Sincerely yours, Me diel sed es | oe Joshua Lederberg Per. Le . Professor of Genetics (7)