OFFICE MEMORANDUM e¢© STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM e@ STANFORD UNIVERSITY # OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From: SUBJECT: AUG 20 !9/4 Dare, August 16, 1974 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Richard W. Lyman PERSONAL Dear Josh: The enclosed exchange of letters with Carl Chapman, Executive Vice President of Commonwealth and former Dean of the Medical School at Dartmouth, is self-explanatory. Clearly Carl is looking for some bold new thinking - - provided it meets his three stern "Givens. " Naturally, ms 4t Given "c"' is especially attractive to a university president’ I’m writing to ask you to give the matter a few moments‘ thought and then give me the results. Please don't circulate the correspondence further. I hope to go to Carl with some good ideas as to a general approach that the Fund might take, backed up by some notion of how Stanford would respond were said general approach to be adopted. The Stanford specifics are not likely to be difficult; a good general approach is tougher to devise. Give me a call, drop me a note, or better yet let's talk together when it's convenient for you. I'll be in Maine from August 23 through September 8; otherwise most of the time I'm here. Yours ever, Richar . Lyman Encs. WNONVYOWAW FJd1ddO © ALISYTAINN GYOINVLS © WNANVAYOWAW 3DdIsdO © ALISHZAINN GYO4NVLS © WNGNVYOWAW 3d1ddO © ALISYZAINN GYOINVIS e@