OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY e« OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From Date: April 22, 1971 Joshua Luca SuBuect: Spread of the Neolithic paper for PNAS I have transmitted to Albert Ammerman a copy of the first review on the PNAS paper. He has prepared a detailed comment of the review which I am attaching along with his letter. I hope you will read it as it does answer in detail not only the reviewer's criticism, but also some of your questions with more authority than I can do. Maybe the detailed answer can be transmitted to the reviewer, if he has any more time to dedicate to such a futile analysis. WNGNVYOW3W FDddO © ALISUZAINN GYOINWIS ¢ WNGNVYOWAW 3Dd1530 © ALISUZAINN GYOANVIS