Memo from JOSHUA LEDERBERG oO. Torbjorn Caspersson FEB 16 1971 My faults as correspondent. You were good enough to send me early copies of your. papers on fluorescent staining of chromosomes. I don't have to tell you what an impact they are having on human cytogenetics! Please don't misinterpret my negligence in res- ponding to your note as anything other than that. I was most interested in the publications and much appreciate your having sent them. You may know that Elliott Levinthal and Len Herzenberg are pushing the "Cell Separator" matinine to what bexx soon be a useful threshold. dy own intéyests in automation these days are foctssed_op/ 'mechanized inference! (the DENDRAL system) and its application to organic analysis by GLC and mass spectrometry. I will send you some papers shortly. We are also trying to em- body some of this in a system for large scale screening of body fluid samples for metabolic idiosyncrasies expressed in qualitatively in- teresting outputs (contra the usual clinical chemistry on quantitative measures of a few well known metabolites.) I am sorry it has been so long since we have had a chance to talk. All best wishes, i. PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG \ . Department of Genetics f School of Medicine Q 4 Stanford University . \ ‘ Stanford, California 94305