INSTITUTIONEN FOR MEDICINSK CELLFORSKNING OCH GENETIK MEDICINSKA NOBELINSTITUTET KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLM 60 Tel. 235480 Stockholm, June 20. 1968. INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL CELL RESEARCH AND GENETICS MEDICAL NOBEL INSTITUTE KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLM 60, SWEDEN Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California, USA Dear Joshua: Again my congratulations - I was sorry to miss the opportunity to confer them in person during my very short stay in San Francisco last. month with Glick on Histochemistry Congress matters. I had planned to stay longer but a cold changed my travelling plans entirely. At the same time you will get a letter from Laborator Johan Lundin. He is a very fine and trustworthy person, head of a section within the Swedish Research Institute for National Defence, occupied with measures for the prevention of biological warfare, mainly de- velopment of detection devices. As you might know, the Swedish par- liament has started and is supporting a quite active International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Stimulation of development of such devices is one point on their programme, with the philosophy that if such ones were developed and spread, the interest in experimenting with that type of warfare would diminish. We, in my institute, are in contact, with both groups and we have during the last years had a stimulating cooperation with Lundin and his group, trying to see to which extent microspectrophotometric and microfluorimetric procedures could be useful for such purposes. He will be glad to tell you all about these efforts if you are in- terested. We have reported them at a SIPRI meeting and got some interesting discussions. Obviously your and Dr. Levinthal”s work on the Multivator and related fields would be of great interest to Dr. Lundin and thus also to us. If you could find some way to let him get in touch with that work I would be very grateful. I hesitate to write Dr. Levinthal separately at this moment but, as time is short, I wonder - if you find a contact with Dr. Levinthal of advantage - if you could be kind enough to give my regards to him and pass on my high estima- tion of Dr. Lundin. With kind personal regards, I am, i ely yours, © — Torb Ob oe