June 10, 1965 Dr. Torbjorn Caspersson Children's Cancer Research Foundation, Ine. 35 Binney Street Boston, Massachusetts Dear Torbjorn: It was really quite thrilling to see the results with your letter of June 2. I should have guessed (and honestly I had not) that you would be pursuing Just this application so incisively. Please let me know when the work is in publication so I can expose it more Generally here. Have you given any thought to the advantages of processing the raw photometric data in digital form, especially as there are likely to be some non-linear steps in the analysis? We have been thinking about this to some extent for other purposes and would be delighted to discuss cur approaches with you. If this prospect is of any interest to you, we would be glad to take on the extra fare for a stopover here before you return to Stockholm; in which case please call me. In any case it would be a pleasure to see you again. Cordially, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics (OSS MadSWY