Memo from To: Ken A JOSHUA LEDERBERG en Arrow MAR 26 1971 your letter of Mar. 8 etc. -I.will be less a wear on-you if I pursue my questions informally when I see you. And when I do my homework, that you recommend. My question about ‘empirical evidence on economic behavior!’ had to do with pexerinedxxaiuexef the kind of provision that people do make for future generations; M&powever, I see what you mean in re ‘savings’ as a measure of the stock put into, deferred gratification, as a diStnit pst, . I wotld almost rather listen than talk at the seminar to invite me. I will take the --invitation very.seriously, and ponder upon -pos- ~sible times to take it up. =. - Ste See you in April, © P.S. If nominations are still open, have you - considered Myron Tribus for the directorship of the Institute on applications of cybernetics or whatever to xp problems of advanced society... (Paul Sitton called me about this from NAS) /re the meeting you may have had on 3/23.) Tribus is -a V.P. of Xerox (Rochester) just new, recently Asst. Secy Commerce (Sci & Techn.) and before thal Dean of Engrg. at Dartmouth. His specialty is decision analysis; his general grasp of systems impressed me very much; he certainly is a force- £ - ersonality. PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305