SN ahha ad Memo from JOSHUA LEDERBERG MAY 10 1976 . photon pollution Dear Dr. Aspin: Until now, sea c. have been only [perhaps with the exception ith astronomical observation], but the attac icture gave 4 glimpse of e skies of our cities if an ugly future for th this particular technology gets out of hand. rehlights et a demonstration of the proj- x ing information by laser; and 411 be a mch greater incentivd ight a/c of the pictorial The peture is jection of advertis it is obvious this w than the pare searchl detail. I don't know whether the FCC already has he system does not jurisdiction; as in pringdl er radar; necessarily dif 7 sible ° or-of Broadcast i" oe JODIUNWLUOD JO much easier to protect inted sky if some wait till there . Anyhow, it should be the public resource of an unpa action is taken now than if we been a large entrepreneurial investment. The has task of writing reasonable legislation will not i" ibit people Pi be easy, since we hardly want to proh from pointing 4 flashlight upwards; but I think that power-density thresholds could be devised coupled with an intent to communicate with numbers of people. e Paley Sinaarely, Ut An OFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 UO! -oR=1 Tat Patol | ee RTE AN - ’