STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics Dear Dr. Arlow This allusion to Einstein (see attached) as e culture-hero and ezo-ideal STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94805 ยข (415) 321-1200 quite fascinated me, for reasons that you might guess, namely autobiographi- cal. I would be grateful if you could share, with me, the text of your com- plete paper. I assume that you would plece equel emphasis on the guiding in- fluence of shaping images, like Einstein's (as much as myths, of course, as resl persohalitiee) in development apart from psychopathology; it would in- terest me if you could suggest further Litersture on the mpybh-figures of * contemporary life. It is fairly obvious that here is a potentially powerful method of investigating cultural change, and I essume that a certain amount of statistics has been collected alone these lines, but I am not aware of it. If you have a reprint of your 1961 paper, it would be a favor if you could furnish it; I will also search for ref. 10 in the area libraries. As dubious recompense I will exhibit some samples of my own writings, over a span of years,that may document whet I mentien above -- but I trust you will accept the "unpublished mansucript" as a personal and confidential communica- tion. Will you be at the APA meetings at Honolulu in May? I(am scheduled to sit on a panel on genetics, and)will scan the program to see if you are possibly giving e paper on this fascinating theme. *though I see you reinforce Mergeret Mead's co- and pre-figurative modefling today, Sincerely, wJoshue Lederberg, Ph.D. rrofessor of Genetics allusions to LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE