i ant > Galata Lote Loe ee ee _ co —- Cpe Sonn The root idea is here, and of course studies on trandduction and lysogeny. (cf. Physiol Revs tie ee Under the confusing name of "directed mutation", it also has antecie riti 3 Hi f Muller. i uch older writings of Haldane and of } 1 know was’ the first to lay out a detailed, concrete proposal ney ' viruses be used for the therapy of genetic defect in.man, pointing ou aimi é somati targets. C advtdAnges of aiming at somatic cell Subst out adv was hardly distinguishable from vaccination, so perhaps 1 AN a etn tah are Peg stanrasy Ne CN A Jenner deserves the priority. [470 gathered momentum with later Stan iteogers, as far as Subsequently, I pointed Reprinted from Science, November 1, 1946, Viol. 104, No. 2705, page 428, A Nutritional Concept of Cancer , While the etiology of cancer has been categorized under infection by a transmissible virus on the one hand and gene mutation on the other (not to mention a host of other hypotheses), there has been relatively little specu- lation on the biochemical mechanisms whereby any of these events could lead to the process recognized as neo- plastic growth. Recent studies by Beadle, Tatum, and others, on the genetic control of biosynthetic reactions in the fungus, Neurospora, have provided a foundation - for new concepts of the biological regulation of growth. In particular, a study by Ryan and Lederberg (Proc. nat, Acad, Sci., Wash., 1946, 32, 163-173), on the “fadap- tation’’ of a Neurospora mutant deficient in the syn- thesis of leucine, has provided an experimental basis for speculative analogy with neoplasia. Field strains of Neurospora will grow on medium con- taining only sugar, salts, and biotin, which is to say that the fungus is capable of manufacturing all other essen- tial metabolites. As the result of mutations of single genes, the capacity for synthesis of various compounds may be lost. A similar process presumably accounts for the nutritional requirements of higher forms. Following ultraviolent treatment, a mutant strain of Neurospora, #33757, has been isolated which is incapable of synthesizing leucine. As a consequence, this strain reqnires leucine, and its growth is quantitatively regu- lated by the, available supply. Oceasionally, cultures of leucincless Neurospora ‘grown on limiting amounts of this amino acid will ‘fadapt’?’; . a 9-5 that is, an exceptional fragment of the mycelium will grow autonomously, irrespective of the available leucine, and may under certain conditions overgrow the culture until the sugar is exhausted. By genetic analysis of crosses between adapted and wild strains, it has been shown that adaptation depends on the mutation, or re- version, of the leucineless gene to an allele capable of mediating the synthesis of leucine. . A culture of leucineless Neurospora ‘has, then, two growth potentialities: a regulated growth corresponding to the leucine externally available to it, and, excep- tionally, autonomous growth on the basis of a gene muta- tion leading to the synthesis of that metabolite. If one correlates normal tissue cells with a culture of ° leucineless Neurospora, both regulated by their environ- ment, a simple analogy for cancer is evident—the newly found capacity of a cell to synthesize an essential metabo- lite otherwise available only in limiting and regulatory amounts, While the Neurospora experiments suggest a muta- tional origin for this capacity,| virus infection, by pro- | [viding a missing link for a blocked enzyme system, could play a corresponding role.f A consequence of this simple concept is that cancer cells “may be found to differ in their growth factor requirements from cells of norma] origin when they are grown in vitro, JOSHUA LEDERBERG Osborn Botanical Laboratory, Yale University, and College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University pn sai SS ee Lis i BE Rete Ban a we