Y cr tat ER Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Ralph Dorfman Syntex AUG 22 1973 Dear Ralph-- For reasons that include, but go beyond the fact that Syntex belongs to the AHI, I thought you would be interested in the enclosed corres- pondence. The recommendations are so reactionary that they will, in my opinion, make it much more diffic cult to secure rational revisions of the FDA regulatory philosophy. I realize there is a wide divergence of opinion on these matters, and I am certainly sensitive to well-founded grievances about existing regulatory abominations. But we should be careful to discourage over-reacting to these with extreme positions that are both scientifi- cally and politically untenable. I do not suggest that you or Syntex adheres to the AHI committee's Jine; but as a memher of AHI, Syntex may become associated with it, and I would catition about being led into a dangerous policy trap. Sincerely,