Organic Compounds in Meteorites There is little doubt that the bulk of the organic matter in meteorites is in- digenous, judging from isotopic mea- surements on C, H, and S (20, 21). Such proof is not available for indi- vidual compounds, however, and it is therefore necessary to resort to less direct arguments to rule out terrestrial contamination. We shall briefly review the most reliably established features of organic matter in meteorites, and see. how well FIT reactions can ac- count for them. Owing to space limi- tations, we can only give a concise summary of the most pertinent data. The interested reader may wish to con- sult the original sources, as well as the reviews of Hayes (22), Vdovykin (23), and Oré and co-workers (24). Heavy alkanes.’ The same few com- pounds dominate in meteoritic and FIT hydrocarbons (/8, 25, 26). Normal (straight-chain) hydrocarbons are most prominent (Fig. 2), followed by five slightly branched (monomethyl and di- methyl) isomers (27). This resem- blance is highly significant if one con- siders that some 10+ structural isomers exist for saturated hydrocarbons with 16 carbon atoms. Apparently the me- teoritic hydrocarbons were made by FTT reactions, or a process of the same extraordinary selectivity. The Miller-Urey _ reaction, shows no such selectivity. Gas chro- matograms of spark discharge hydro- carbons show no structure (/3). Ap- parently all 104 possible isomers are made in comparable yield, as expected for random recombination of free radi- cals, The indigenous nature of the alkanes in at least the Murray, Murchison, and Orgueil meteorites (18) is supported by four lines of evidence: absence of the isoprenoids pristane and phytane (18), which occur in nearly all ter- restrial hydrocarbons (/3, 26, 28); characteristic light hydrocarbon pat- tern (J8); consistently low abundance of alkanes in the C3 chondrite Allende * (18,29), which is metamorphosed and hence may be regarded as a blank; and carbon isotope data (2/, 30). Most of the remaining compounds ‘in the meteoritic chromatogram (ace- naphthene, alkylbenzenes, olefins) can be made by FIT syntheses under ap- _ propriate conditions (78). Kvenvolden et al. (30) and Ord et al. (31) had reported alicyclic hydrocarbons in the Murchison meteorite on the basis of low-resolution chromatograms. These 23 NOVEMBER 1973 incidentally, - compounds were not confirmed at higher resolution (1/8), however, but can, in any event, be made in the FIT synthesis. The authors have found large amounts of cycloalkanes in a commercial Fischer-Tropsch sample. Carbon isotope fractionations, Me- teorites show a very large difference in 12C/12C ratio between carbonate and organic carbon: 60 to 80 per mil (20, 21, 32). This trend remained unex- plained for a number of years, be- cause coexisting carbonate and organic matter on the earth shows a much smaller difference, typically 25 to 30 400°K Memo from To: Q { U 4 , father Sy tatures JOSHUA LEDERBERG qe ed on 's and r-Urey . E only _potserf a ontain \ irocar- DEC oy be f iviiQ = —_—, 4? “ne proposed that the two types of carbon came from two unrelated reservoirs while Arrhenius and Alfvén (33) sug- gested fractionation during carbonate growth from the gas phase, involving multiple desorption or metastable mole- cules, It turns out, however, that the Fisch- er-Tropsch reaction gives an isotopic fractionation of just the right sign and magnitude, owing to a kinetic isotopic effect (34, 35). From the temperature dependence of the fractionation be- tween 375° and 550°K, the observed fractionations in C1 and C2 chondrites PAY 6 & PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG six of Department of Genetics nt im , School of Medicine oples. - Stanford University from Stanford, California 94305 . Ab (a3