July 3, 19638 Dr. Margery W. Shaw The University of Texas M.D.Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute Texas Medical Center Houston, Texas 77025 Dear Marge: I expect you will have heard something from Josh by now, and in any case my information is only tentative -- but so you will know the outcome of the meeting in Palo Alto this week, here is how we ended up. Eugenics: Osborne or Haller, with the other probably as discussant Mutation: Crow with Neel as discussant Man's Future: Lederberg We had a meeting that included Motulsky, Graham, Lederberg and me. I think we came up with a good resolution for the society to consider. It will presumably be a topic of discussion Friday evening. Best wishes and cheers. Sincerely, James F. Crow JFC/po' cc: Dr. Joshua Lederberg”