THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SENT FOR INFORMATION OF Dr. Josh Lederberg July 24, 1968 Dr. Arno Motulsky Department of Medicine School of Medicine University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98105 Dear Arno: This is in response to Josh's letter of July 12 concerning the statement of your Committee. It is a quite satisfactory statement; congratulations and thanks. I have only one reservation. In recommending that we formulate issues that should be then sub- mitted to some appropriate body, such as the Board on Medicine or the Committee on Life Sciences and Public Policy of the Wational Acudemy, have we cleared with them their willingness to accept such questions. The former committee is still trying to establish its specific areas of reference, while the latter committee ia completing a major assignment, with, as I understand it, no very clear tables of organization for the future. In either event, neither of these committees has anything approaching a standing subcommittee of geneticists. In fact, to my knowledge there is no genetic represen- tation whatsoever on the Board on Medicine. Accordingly, unless there is specific assurance from these two committees that they are prepared to establish the necessary michinezy to deal with whatever questions we refer, it seems to me that we can be accused of buck- passing. The memo which I received from Josh did not include the statement on screening for metabolic defects. 1 would be most interested to see what we have come up with. en pee "Bu James V, Neel, M.D, Professor and Chairman JVN: ap cc: J. Lederberg COPY Form 6130