- UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98105 School of Medicine Department of Medicine DIVISION OF MEDICAL GENETICS February 12, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Josh, As you know we are charged to set up the program of a symposium for our annual meeting which is to be sponsored by the Social Issues Committee, The time will be Wednesday a.m., October 14, Some suggestions have been made and I would like your opinions regarding the most desirable program, Program A Social Problems of Genetic Diagnosis 1) Moral, social and ethical consequences of fetal diagnosis 2) Current behavioral status of XYY individuals 3) Current status of screening programs for vhenylketonuria and other inborn errors of metabolism with particular reference to heterogeneity. h) Confidentiality of information and genetical records Program B : osium on intrauterine diagnosis 1) Current status of chromosomal fetal diagnosis 2) Current status of biochemical fetal diagnosis 3) Moral, social and ethical consequences of fetal diagnosis (abortion, etc.) 4) Administrative problems of intrauterine diagnosis (reference centers, etc.) Program Cc Screening in Medical Genetics 1) Phenylketonuria screening 2) Screening for inborn errors other than phenylketonuria 3) Chromosomal screening 4) Pharmacogenetic screening 5) Family oriented follow-up (i.e., administrative methods ——_.____ of diagnosis for family members at risk) Redastion’ + Env, hagpate. | | 4] vf gist 7 BN Members of Social Issues Committee February 12, 1970 Page 2 Program A is almost entirely "social" in orientation, Program B uses an important topical issue and provides additional scientific information. Program C deals largely with scientific aspects of socially useful applications of medical genetics. Please let me know by February 25 which program you like best in order of preference and let me have suggestions regarding speakers, Any ideas or comments regarding modifica- tions or suggestions for other types of programs would be much appreciated, JI hope to hold a conference telephone call with the entire committee for a final decision, Kind regards, Spo Arno G, Motulsky, M.D. Professor of Medicine and Genetics AGM: bhn