July 12, 1968 To: Social Issues Committee The American Society of Human Genetics Arno Motulsky, Chairman From: J. Lederberg I am pinchhitting for Arno to report to you the recommendations of a rump section of the committee that met here on June 30, 1968. Arno will be back = from his vacation about the time that you receive this. = A draft of the specific recommended resolution is enclosed. It refers to a = statement on screening legislation which is still in somewhat rough form, and — in any case does not form an integral part of the recommendation. You will, however, have a usable copy of this shortly. Arno asks for any comments, including assent, at your early convenience so ™— that the final version can be prepared for submission to the Society at its fall meeting. At Marge Shaw's request I have put together a short symposium for a session on the afternoon of October 11 between 1:00 and 3:30 p.m. This will consist of James of Crow on Mutation, Mark H. Haller on Eugenics, and myself on Genetic Engineering. For the evening, we were thinking of having the members of the committee and ef the symposium panel form a round table discussion of the virtues and hazards of a position of advocacy on the part of the Society. This would then be followed by about half an hour for the presentation of the committee's recommendations, which I assume will be up for Society discussion not at the time but at the later business meeting. Please communicate further comments, in the first instance, to Arno. Joshua Lederberg July 12, 1968 Memo to Social Issues Committee, American Society of Human Genetics Distribution List: Dr. Arno Motulsky Division of Medical Genetics Department of Medicine University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle, Washington Dr. James F. Crow Laboratory of Genetics Genetics Building The University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dr. James V. Neel Department of Human Genetics University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Dr. Michael I. Lerner Department of Genetics University of California Berkeley, California 94720 Dr. Alexander G. Bearn Cornell University Medical Center 1300 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 a Dr. Barton Childs Department of Pediatrics Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, Maryland 21205 Dr. Bentley Glass Department of Biology State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, New York 11790 Dr. John B. Graham Department of Pathology University of North Carolina Medical School Chapel Hill, North CArolina 27514