UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20250 August 8, 1967 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Professor Lederberg: I have been enjoying your articles "Science and Man" which have been appearing in the Saturday issues of the Washington Post, Particularly have I been interested in the most recent ones since they deal with matters in which we have been deeply interested and quite active for the last several years. While it seems entirely reasonable to a biochemist that amino acids be added to cereal grains to improve their amino acid profile, this comes as quite a shock to traditfonal nutritionists who can think only in terms of increasing animal protein supplies, As you correctly point out, this is an economic problem; in many parts of the world there is no question of being able to obtain adequate protein from animal sources, So our job in the last year and a half has been primarily one of selling nutritionists and responsible government officials to persuade them to look at cereal fortification seriously, No doubt there will be a number of technical and nutritional problems that should be solved before such procedure can be wide spread. But we will only get to these after we have persuaded enough people to allow us to get started. I thought that, perhaps, you might be interested in some material from here that speaks to this point. I am enclosing the following: A copy of the LADS Newsletter which contains correspondence between Secretary of Agriculture Freeman and the Food and a2e Nutrition Board of the National Academy (page 6), An informal summary of a recent trip which I took, This summary includes a review of the status of amino fortification, A copy of a letter to Dr, Newell which outlines some of the problems we must face as we develop a fortification program, A copy of a summary of a presentation at the last AAAS meeting discussing our programs, and A copy of a talk I gave several years ago which described in detail our position on new protein foods from oilseeds, I hope that you may find some of these of interest, Sincerely yours, Aaron M, Altschul Special Assistant for International Nutrition Improvement Enclosures