Dear Dr. Lederberg, Dr. Laurence Altman phoned in response to a letter I wrote and we had a long talk, courtesy of the New York Times. He asked that I pass several messages on to you. His publications on self-experimentation, which he assumes you already have, are an article in the New England Journal of Medicine (Feb., 72) and the expansion of that article which appeared in the book Hypocrates Revisited Last year his review of the autobiography of Werner Forssmann appeared in the daily N.Y. Times and two months ago in Medical World. His book is "nowhere near completion", but he will be trying to use inter- views with self-experimenters to come up with a state-of-the-art book for a trade audience (meaning, I assume, a non-professional audience). You wrote him a while ago, and he requested a copy of that letter, if tv possible; he'd like to pursue a point you brought up in the letter. He's been out of the country, but would like to see you if you get to New York. Addresses: Laurence K. Altman home Science News Department 140 West End Avenue New York Times Apartment 10D 229 W. 43rd St., N.Y. 10036 New York, N.Y. 10023 (212) 556-7142 (212) 799-4313 A MAY 14 1976 , Gk Lis LaZr bok: Us bo Gree Fist.