HARVARD UNIVERSITY JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02138 PUBLIC POLICY PROGRAM LITTAUER CENTER 8 September 1972 Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Jesh: I must say that the highlight of the conference on Organization Theory was meeting you. I was only sorry that we didn't have longer to chat. On the plane back East, I had a chance to look at the materials you gave me more carefully. That only re-confirmed my initial impression. Now I'm just waiting for someone to start . haranguing me with alarmist arguments. As promised, I'm enclosing for you a copy of my book. As you'll see, it picks right up from our conversation about the missile crisis. I'd be most interested in any reactions you have to that part of my argument, or to the more general argument about nuclear strategy or indeed about the study of foreign policy. Looking forward to picking-up our conversation again soon. Yours sincerely, ite. Abs Graham Allison ProfesSér of Politics GA/EMB (signed in his absence) moron ‘n9$i170