PPR RN EE RN Te CLINICAL RESEARCH CENTRE gU6Z2 (To be at Northwick Park, Harrow, Middlesex) Telephone: All correspondence to be addressed to: 01-959 3277 CLINICAL RESEARCH CENTRE LABORATORIES, NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH, MILL HILL, LONDON, N.W.7, 20th October, 1969 Syoace (rl sseee dardncg 4 I am collecting material for a publication on the role of reason and empirical observation in scientific discovery. My belief is that the extremists who emphasize the one or the other are wrong: there is a constant interplay. what I am trying to do is found out from people who made important dis- coveries what actually happened. If you have described anywhere how yours were made, I should be glad to receive a reprint or reference. Otherwise I hope you can find a little time - amidst all your activities - to send me a short account. I have already managed to assemble quite a good collection of recent examples of import- ant chance discoveries, including those on immunological tolerance, the accidental discovery of polynucleotide phosphor- ylase during the course of work on oxidative phosphorylation, and the observation that components were still separated on a starch column when the electric current was accidentally turned off so that there was no electrophoresis - which led to Sephadex and other forms of gel filtration. They make an amusing and instructive group. If you can think of other examples, please let me know. I can obtain the details from those involved. With kind regards, enhifice Siscer Yom Artal ; D+ p