VAN 29 1975 mons pees UNIVERSITY ell WASHINGTON ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63130 January 22, 1975 DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: Thank you very much for your letter of December 19. I am sorry to be so long in answering, but I have been quite busy and my correspondence has suffered. I appreciate your sending me the reference to the biographical state- ment by Beadle in the Annual Review of Biochemistry. I had already seen it, and have found it very interesting and useful. I wish more scientists would write such autobiographical accounts. It would make the work of the historian considerably easier, and give us access to a whole body of in- formation that is often lost to posterity. Again, many thanks for your help and interest. Sincerely yours, / © tml OL farland E. o Alder /havoeiat “Professor of Biology : f GEA:1 yemo grea ' A770