x I ¥ y MERU YHAPOTHbIN TEKHETHUYECKHA KOHTPECC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF GENETICS OPrAHW3ANMOHHDIM KOMHTET ORGANIZING COMMITTEE BCECOW3HOE OBWECTBO FrEHETHKOB N. L. VAVILOV SOCIETY FOR GENETICS H CEXERUMOHEPOB HM. H. M1. BABHJIOBA AND’ SELECTION 417342 Mocksa ya. Depcmana 11 {t Fersman Street, p. 4 nompe3y 4 Moscow 117312 USSR Tenedonnt: 135-71-24, 135-40-61 Telephones: 135-71-24, 135-40-61 Prof.Jd.Lederberg } wn Se Stanford University,School of Medicine 300 Pasteur drive, Palo Alto California 94304, USA Dear Professor Lederberg: As I already informed you, the Organizing Committee of the XIV International Congress on Genetics, which will be convened in Moscow, August 21-30, 1978, entrusted me with organization of a Symposium on Genic (Genetic) Engineering. The Symposium wil consist of two sessions, each including 7-8 papers. : By this letter I officially invite you to be Chairman of the Symposium. I will be Co-Chairman. I trust that such cooperative conduction of the sessions will prove to be very fruitful. I have also approached the follow- ing persons asking them to present vapers at the Symposium: Prof. Dr.H.W.Boyer, Drs.R.Davis, K.Murray, S.N.Coen, D.S.Hogness, P.Berg, F.E. Young, N.Sueoka, D.Helinski,R.D.Hotchkiss, W.Klingmuller, V.N. Krylov, V.G.Debabov, V.1I.Tanyashin. In case of your consent to be tne Chairman of the Symposium will you inform me et your earliest convenience. Any comments on your part in connection with tne list of invited persons will be appreciated. Looxing forward to meeting you in Moscow. & a vy fC P ° fot > With cordial regards, o.leAliknenian nr ~ Professor Will you answer at your earliest convenience to the address: Prof.S,l.Alikhanian Symposium on Genic En. ineeri ee Organizing Casmittee of the XIV Inter.Congress on Genetics, ul.@ ‘Fersman, 11, Moscow 117312, USSR