STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94805 « (415) 821-1200 Ye S#O/ STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ‘MEDICINE Depertment of Genetics MAR 2 7 1969 Dear Martin- A propos your appendices in "Restoring the quality of our environ- ment": 1) What do you know of the chemistry of the products of hygienic chlorination of various waters used for drinking?(You mentioned phenols as a characteristic reactant.) What about other organic contaminants; microbial contaminants themselves? (Could any of these oxidized or chlorinated derivatives be a public health hazard under conditions of — chronic intake; have you ever heard of idiosyncratically sensitive indi- yy viduals)? 7 2) What are the standards for residual chlorine in tap water? I can often enough smell it, in many cities. What would be the threshold flor that. a Cc 3) Is anything known of the uptake and body distribution of such levels om of hypochlorite? Se 4) ... or of its effects on essential nutrients? = oe Sincerely, Wy a“ Toshua Lederberg pti el Prt eg! [Paha Bagot Gres oss x [froea, MY, | LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE