DEPARTMENT OF PLANT SCIENCES THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA NORMAN - OKLAHOMA December 2, 1949 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Lederberg: Thank you very much for your letter af November 30 in which you seem to have an interesting problem. I appreciate your sending me the K-12 and W-1113 strains, though I confess it may be some time before I can examine then. It is my opinion that the phenomenon you have observed may or may not be “direct antagonism" (whatever that means) in the sense that I used the term with regard to Aerobacter strains. As you will note in the reprint I am sending on "Antagonism by Aerobacter Strains, I failed to observe any zones of inhibition on plates massively seeded with the test organism and then massively streaked with the antagonist. I gather that our inocula were comparable, but I note om detail in which your technique differs. You used 3-4 ml. of "soft" agar poured over a nutrient agay,plate. This detail might well be a critical om, as inhibition might,visible here and not be jn a plate poured with 15 c.c. of ordinary agar inoculated with a suspension,which was ny technique. I intend to test the strains you sent me by both techniques, and may I suggest that you do so. The resuits of such an experiment would indicate whether or not you are observing the same phenomenon, and would certainly be extremely interesting to me. Meantime, would you please inform me as to the actual agar content of your "soft! agar? As to the immediate problem of obtaining resistant K-l2 strains, I am afraid I can offer little encouragement. I have marked one paragraph in the reprint on "Antagonism by Aerobacter Strains" in which I attempted in vain to demonstrate resistant variants with five strains which seemed to afford very favorable conditions for develop- ment of such forms. Of course any validity which might be attached to these attempts for your work rests on the question of whether or not we have observed the same phenomenon. I am sarry that I can be of no more assistance. let me assure you of my gemine interest in this work, however, and I sincerely believe that cooperation of this sort between workers in different institutions is of inestimable value. Please let me hear from you again on this matter. pr. Joshua Lederberg ~- Page 2 December 2, 19,9 May I take a "rain check" on your offer of mutant strains? Very possible I might be able to use these at a later date. Yours sincerely, E Hh Miyua E. Staten Wynne Assistant Professor of Bacteriology P.S. Sorry about the "-burg". And congratulations on putting the final ~e on my name. WYNNE ES @ ANTAGONISM BY AEROBACTER STRAINS _J BACT _———_—_—s«53(4):469-478 = ss 47s @ NORMAN JO—ON THE CONCEFT OF DIRECT ANTAGONISM IN BACTERIA J INFEC DIS 93(3):243-246 eo Haden 7