July 2, 1956 Dr. ds R. Irwin Chalrmua, Department of Genetics Dear Bob: i uttuch herewith remests for.leave for the periods July 8 to July 14 1956, and for July 14 to July 28. The second interval is primarily for vagabkon purposes, and is not concerned with the following comment. ay you know, research workers are finding it more and more necessary to consult with one another by conferences, symposia and similar mee tings. Fraa time two time, we nave attended such meetings on University expense accounts; naturally we try to be as thrifty as possible with University funas. For this reason, I have often mide similar trips at my ovm axpense when I gould twavel by cur, ov with a group of peonle, or could take advanta sa of persenal hospitality in piace ot expensive hotels. Furthermore, it has some tlaes beeu pusgible to tuxe advantage of funus available to the organigers of the conferences. gobart #, uright's experience last spring points, however, to 4 potential danger in tiese economies. lie was involved in an automobile accident while returning from a visit to another laboratory, but he was not on a formal expense accuuit, having gone at my own urging, and knowing that he could get accomodations en route and at his destim tion free of personal cost. His hospital expenses were enormous. iihen he appiled for compensation for thase from the State Industrial Commission he found, as might be expected, tint the State adopted a rather legalistic attddéaddewith regard to the formal obligations of the University. I was minly impressed that the University itself was not a party to these hearings, that its own good intentions (ax post facto) would have no bearing on such ckaims. Wright's claim was even tually declined thougli only partly on these grounds, partly on the fact that he was about 4 miles off the principal route at the téme of the accident. It seems to m very important therefore that the University clarify its contractual obligations to ite officers when they are engageu in what I belddve is construed as’ their official duties. For that reason, I am asking that Dean Froker affirm the University's recognition of this position by some phrase such as is typed on the cari— undoubtddly « legal expert should be consultec as to the best form. If this is not the University's position, the phrase may be stricken. I also request that the aduinistration mike 4 more general announcemnt of its legal obligations in the event of accidents 5 so that faculty members may know whether they should file expense accounts for any trip, whether they have no backing at all, or whether they can safely economize on University travel funds and still be covered. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederkery