Mareh 3, 1955 Honorable Balter J. Kohler Governor, State of Wisconsin Madison Dear Governor Kohler: I am taking the liberty of writing to you because of your often expressed concern for highway safety, Unfortunately, this problem is too easily ignored in the abstract; 1t becomes conerete in blood and tears. Poasibly you have nothced in the local newspapers a brief mention that a University graduate student, Robert E. Wright, wan critically injured Monday, near Janosvilis, The anguish that has fallen on his family, his friends, and his colleagues is perhars no more than has been visited on others, sn it may ba of Littls moment that he is a scientist of great promise. I an sorry to have to any that hée fs st!11 unconscious, though being vel) carsd for at "niverstty Hoenbteals. The point of my letter is the nature of the accident. Thera does not appear to have been any culpable negligence: many sutoiste will drive on roads that say have scatterad icy patches. But one person vas eritheally injured; two others ware unscathed, and the car itself not notebly damaged. Doas this not suggest that a safety belt would have helped avoid or minknize the injury? How many similar incidents must there not be? As you know, bills pertaining to thir safety maasure have been introduced in the legislaturn. I do not know whethet you have studied the matter suffi- ciently to wish to support or oppose these measures. I do fear that either apathy or the incidents of political partisan maneuvering may entangle the bills. I am asking thahli sincerity that you lend your bast offiaes to ensuring that these proposals be studied, both in the legislative ant executive depart— ments, in an impartial manner so that they can be presented for legislative action on their technical merits. An issue of this kind is unlikely to angage wide public interest if it 4s simply buried in the public rowtine. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg (Professor of Genetics University of Wisconsin)