. | Mareh 1, 1955 Dr. CG. A. Elvejhem Dean . Graduate School University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. . é . Dear Dean Elvejhem: I regret to have to record a serious accident incurred by Mr. Robert Errol Wright, a Research Assistant in Genetics. Mr. Wright suffered seri- ous head injury and is in critical condition at the Mercy Hospital at Janesville. The accident occurred on the highway near Janesville yester- day morning; his case is being managed by Dr. M. Javid of our hospital's neurosurgical division. Iwish to take this opportunity to record that Wright's injury was ineurred while he was on duty status. I had arranged with Professor C. C. Lindegren of the University of Southern Illinois at Carbondale that Wright visit him for the purpose of exchanging cultures and information on the research project in yeast genetics on which Wright 4s engaged. He was returning from this trip when the acciderit occurred. Mr. Wright was accompanied for the trip by Dr.“Peter Day and Mrs. Wright, both of whom are also employed by the University in related capa- capacities (Dr. Day is an honorary fellow in Plant Pathology). Fortunately, they escaped uninjured. At the present time it is quite uncertain whether Mr. Wright will sur- vive; we can only hope for the best. It seemed important, however, to record the facts relevant to Mr. Wright's duty status at the time of the accident. ‘ Yours sincerely, . Joshua Lederherg ~ Professor of Genetics: