Sustitut p astenr 28. RUE DU DF ROUX-_PARIS xve TEL’ SEGUR 01-10 PARIS, le 15 octobre 1952 Drs @. & Jd. LEDERBERG Dept of Genetics University of Wisconsin NADI SON Wisconsin Dear Esther and Joshua, I feel rather bad about the long time spent without writing to. you, the reason being the congress of biochemistry, then the Royaumont meeting on bacteriophage, vacations and the Pallanza meeting on microbial genetics. I am sending to you under separate cover the paper written for the proceedings of the Royaumont meeting which will come out as a special issue of the Annales de l'Institut Pasteur early next year. It is not the final version, a few corrections having been made in the introduction and the discussion. If you have any comment I will be glad to take it into account if it is not two drastic nor to late to make a change on the last proof. I have not yet really started work, the prospects being colicines, relation between prophages and lysogenisation all in a rather undecided form. Would you be kind enough to send me, if available, the following reprints for copies): the 1951 Cold Spring Harbor and the 1950, Isolation and characterization of biochemical mutants of bacteria, in "Methods of Med.Research", Regards from everybody around. Very truly yours, Cf Elie WOLLMAN