Mareh 28, 1948. Dr. M. k. Wolfroa, Dept. Chanistry, Ohio State University, Colugibus , Ohio Dear Dr. Wolfron, Ag my earlier communications have indicated, we have been working on the specificity of disaccharases is Fscherichia coli mtants. Preparations have been extracted which are very active in accumlating substances reducing Cu in acetic acid (Barfced's monose method) from lactose. Chromatography seems to be the most effective method of proving that the products of the enzymatic reastion ure (as presumed) in fact gluccse and galactose. Have you had any eccasion tc werk specifically on the system glucose-galactose-lactose? From your published data, I infer that these components should be rather casily seperated on a column, but I wonder whether your group may have found any special procedure more effective. I would also appreciate reprints of your relevant publications, particularly JACS 68:1449 (1946) and 1b. 2169, (1946). Finally, we should be interested to test our mutants on lactcsitol, but . before preparing a large quantity, we would like to have a preliminary sample for test and for ased. Could you accomodate us with about .5 gms. of this compound ? Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg . Assistant Professor of Genetics.