March 26, 1965 Professor Elbert G. Smith Department of Chemistry Mills College Oakland 13, California Dear Professor Smith: Many thanks for the elaboration on "Rule 30", I am afraid it now eludes my purpose, to attempt a topological interpretation of Wiswesser's original conjecture of a simple choice of initial locant. (Simplicity is not always to be found in cyelic graphs!!) Has there been a concerted effort to program a code - interpreter, i.e., a system to convert linear code input into some abstract form for computation, such as an ineidence matrix? You may be amused at an example of graphic display output from a first-stage DENDRAL interpreter program. Would you care to see our computational system sometime? Actually, I am planning a demonstration for Monday afternoon, April 19, when, it happens, Dr. E. Garfield will be visiting. a Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics P.S. As a matter of topological theory, does new Rule 43 allow a choice between the isomorphs 10ALA vs. lOAMB of the attached figure? Encl.: Topological mapping of organic molecules. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sei. 53:134-139.