October 17, 1958 Honorable Alexander $. Wiley Senate Office Bullding Washington 25, 0.C. Dear Senator Wiley: May | just take one minute of your time to express my sincere appreciation and gretification for the spiendid support given by you during the past legis- lative session to the furtherance of our national programs of medical and sclentifie research, Serving en the one hand as a research worker in these fields and on the other as an advisor in the machinery for allocation of these funds | can essure you of the deep sense of responsibility shared by my colleagues and myself to make certain that these public funds will be spent in the most productive and responsible fashion. As you «cll know these moneys represent an Investment that wil) be repaid sany thmcs over In the years to come. Yours sincerety, Joshue Lederberg Professor of Medical Genetics JL/jp