JAMES O. EASTLAND, MISS., CHAIRMAN ESTES KEFAUVER, TENN. ALEXANDER WILEY, WI1S. OLIN D. JOHNSTON, 8. CG. WILLIAM LANGER, N. DAK. THOMAS C. HENNINGS, JR., MO. WILLIAM E, JENNER, IND. JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK. ARTHUR V. WATKINS, UTAH JOSEPH C. O’MAHONEY, WYO. EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, ILL. rs SAM J. ERVIN, JR., N.C. JOHN MARSHALL BUTLER, MD. i) Cx { Q tat D Y al JOHN A. CARROLL, COLO. ROMAN L. HRUSKA, NEBR. ¥ e es e ¢ COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY June 6, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: In view of your field of interest, I believe that you would like to have the enclosed copy of my statement made before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy in support of the prompt authori- zation of the building of the Midwestern Universities Research Association's (MURA) 540 Bev accelerator. As you see, this was printed in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, May 27th. After you have had an opportunity to study this statement, I would be happy to have any comments you might care to make. With kindest regards, I am a AW: bsmh Enclosure