UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE NORTHERN UTILIZATION RESEARCH BRANCH PEORIA, ILLINOIS October 25, 195) Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: I am glad to have your letter of October 18 and to know that you are interested in studying some species of Hansenula and some of the species of Saccharomyces which we intend to place in a separate venus, to be designated as Dekkeromyces. JI hope they may serve the particular purposes you have in mind. We are sending you the following strains of Hansenula: NRRL Y-1683, diploid H. subpelliculosa tt Y-1822, nt W tt " -Y-1622-12 and Y-1683-11. These are mating types of opposite sex. " -Y¥~366, a unisexual diploid of H. anomala " Y¥-2153, a bisexual " a oF n " Y4366-8 and Y-2153-l, mating types of opposite sex I would suggest heating sporulated cultures of Hansemula at 57° C, for isolation of mating types. We are sending you a culture of Zygosaccharomyces ashbyi NRRL Y-1598, It is a latent lactose fermenter, requiring about 8 days to ferment. It hybridizes readily with other lactose and nonlactose fermenting species which wil] be placed, with it, in Dekkeromyces, None of the diploid species which will be placed in Dekkeromyces are heterothallic, so I cannot send you mating types, but I am sending you mating types of Saccharomyces lactis, a heterothallic haploid. Strains NRRL Y-1140 and Y-1205 are typical of the species, including ability to ferment lactose rapidly. They are of opposite sexes. I am also sending you strains of Ss. lactis which do not ferment lactose, Strain Y-113 assimilates neither lactose or galactose, and mates with Y-11h0. Y-230 does not assimilate lactose but it assimilates and ferments galactose; it mates with Y-11l0 and Y-113). Strains Y-110 and Y-1205 are known to hybridize with Y-1598, and probably the lactose-negative strains of 5, lactis would mate with Y-1598. We have hybrids of S, lactis x Z. ashbyi which Dr. Rotman is welcome to, ~ ~ THIS PAPER CONTAINS 49 PERCENT. BLEACHED WHEAT-STRAW PULP MADE BY OUR MECHANO-CHEMICAL PROCESS 2-Pr, Joshua Lederberg-~10/25/5h I am sending you reprints on the occurrence of yeast matine types in nature which deals briefly with 5, lactis, and one on the iso- lation of mating types from diploid heterothallic species of Han- senula, We are sending a short mamiscript on hybridization of yeasts which will be placed in a separate genus, Dekkeronyces, at a later date. It has not been published yet, and I would appreciate it if you would return it within the next month. J am now preparing two rather lengthy papers on hybridization of 5S. lactis, 5. fragilis, 42. dobzhanskii and Z, ashbyi, If you are interested in seeing then, they should be sufficiently advanced in a couple of months to send copies to vou. Sincerely yours, lynferd J. Wickerham, 4yrologist Fermentation Section Enclosures 3