April 30, 1946+ Dear Dr. Wickerham, Thank you for the reprint of your paper on Schizosaccharomyces versatilis, My brief study on the strains which you sent pe while I ws at Columbia University indicates that it requires nicotinic acid and inositol as growth factors, growth being quite adequate. I have not tested the biotin requirament, largely because biotin is all over the place here, being used for the Neurospora work. Other vitamins seem to be slightly inhibitory if anything. I am afreid however that it has one or two features that make it somewhat less satisfactory than I had hoped for genetic work; the growth in broth seems to be considerably clumped with aggregates of a dozen or more cells in many instances, so that I cannot be confident of a single-cell isolation on plating out ; secondly it does seem to grow quite slowly in pour plates, the anaerobic predilection being somewhat embarrassing. Dr. Birkholder has suggested that other members of this or related genera might be more satisfactory. Could you do me the kind~ ness of sending cultures of some other Schizosaccheromycetes, and possibly Endomyces albicans? I am not able to define exactly whk& would handle the most easily, but out of a sample of several species, the most appropriate might be found. Appreciatively, Joshua Lederberg.