UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY PEORIA 5, ILLINOIS April 29, 1946 Dre Joshua Lederberg Osborn Botanical Laboratory Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Dear Dr. Lederberg: Itm glad to know that you are planning to study the genetics of Schizosaccharomyces versatilis. S.ยป versatilis grows rather poorly on synthetic media, probably due to a growth factor deficiency, the nature of which we do not knows It will grow fairly well on a synthetic medium similar to that which Dr. Burkholder uses. The Schizosaccharomyces are haploid in the vegetative phase and conjugate just before sporulation. This is true when the cultures are grown on agar, and presumadly when grown in still liquid cul- tures, as evidenced by the shape of the asci. Itm not sure about shake cultures, for if I remember correctly, I have seen in these spherical asci, denoting either that complete fusion of the con- jugating cells has occurred or that no fusion has taken place, the inference being that diploidization took place when the ascospores germinated. If such diploidization does occur early in the vege~ tative state, it is apparently rare. a This yeast is definitely homothallic, and single spore cultures will most likely sporulate. I do not lmow of any yeasts which are frankly heterothallic. I shall be glad to learn how your work progresses. Sincerely your's, Lynferd J. Wickerham, Zymologist Fermentation Divisior Northern Regional Research Laboratory