UNIVERSITETETS GENETISKE INSTITUT Universitetsparken 3. Kabenhavn @ Tif. Luna 1240 Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison Wise, U. Se A. Dear Joshua and Esther, Thank you very much for your excerpt. I am of course very interested in your mating type-story. I am also very interested in Hayes’ work on re- combination from streptomycin inactivated bacteria. We are going to have a Microbiol-Genetics-Symposium at Pallanza in September, where he is go- ing to present his case. Cavalli is in charge of the meeting. Too bad you are not in Europe at that time. We are having some rather exciting results on chemically induced reversions, about which I hope to report soon. Good luck with your mating types! I very much appreciate that you keep me in- formed, With best regards yours: Sincerely / | May l5th, 1952. (M, Westergaard)