CENTRAL BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORY OF STOCKHOLM CITY Box 177, Stockholm 1, Sweden July 31,1957 Dr. Je Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin U.S.A. Dear Dr. Lederberg, As you may know, I have been asked to write a re- view on bacterial protoplasts to appear in the 1958 is- Sue of the Annual Review of Microbiology. I am therefore eager to follow recent advances in this field. In this connection I have heard from Dr. Marr at the University of California that you are able to grow protoplasts on semi-solid media. Dr. Klieneberger-Nobel at the Lister Institute has told me about some mutation work re- lated to protoplasts. Now I wonder whether you have fnxrx thex reports on these things in the press or ready for publication this year. Also, if you know of other work going on on protoplasts in the U.S. I’ would greatly app- reciate information on this point. - I have recently made some work on Proteus I forms, iniicating the presence of DAP in this growth forms. I have also written to Drs. Spiegelman, B. Davis and @erhardt in this matter. Yours Sincerely, Claes Weibull