CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA, CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF BIOLOGY December 4, 1956 Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Drs. Lederbergsand Morse: Thank you for your letter of November 23rd and for your offer of the stocks. Obviously if you need nay of the stocks of phages or bacteria I have been using you are very welcome to them. I have been keeping in touch with Arber of Geneva and I hope that you are too since his work on defective prophage may be quite interesting. I would like your advice on one point. ‘The note containing my results was sent to Virology but since receiving your letter I have been thinking that it would be well to include data on the multiplication of HFT in your Gal, your Gals, and your Gal) . Do you think I should stop the publication of my note at the present time and wait to publish it until this data has been obtained, or shall I publish it as it is and write later another more complete paper perhaps in collabora- tion with you? I am going away (on doctor's orders because of my heart) for a month in Mexico (c/o Hotel Oceano, Puerto Vallarta, Jal., Mexico) but I shall write to you from there on some experiments on lysogenization by lambda which René Cohen has done in Paris lately. I think we are all interested in that,and in the techniques,so I shall think that my resting time on the seashore won't be entirely wasted if I thus can be of some use to you. It would be nice if we could meet sometimes in Pasadena! Thank you again. Sincerely, J. Weigle JW/am cc: Dr. M. L. Morse