ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE GRADUATE SCHOOL WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER WASHINGTON 12, D.C. IN REPLY REFER TO Bactericlogy Department 9 December 1952 Dre J. Lederberg University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin. Dear Dr. Lederberg, Enclosed is a& manuscript concerning the “copper bug". It was just sent off to the Journal of General Physiology a couple of days ago, but in the event that it may be of some use to you at this time end since any remarks of theirs are hardly necessary to you, I am sending it on to you nows + Because my duties here have expanded in several directions apart from research, end because my time and interest have settled primarily on the chemistry of the DNA of the organisms as well as on our new virus nucleotide, I have explored the genetics of the transformation very little. We have taken cultures of K 12 and treated them as we did the B strain.g By making the copper concentration four times as great it has been possible to get some small colony forms, but not with the control and regulerity that we get with Be Furthermore with K 12 in tubes with greater concentfations of copper, althoygh density remains the same or deureases, absorption at 260 goes up considerably higher than that normally seen. The matter or lysogenicity and copper arises and must be considered along with the observations on the small colony formse I should like very much to see this matter thoroggly investigated from a genetic point of view. If after a few pilot experiments you think worthwhile things can be done, would it be possible for me to spend a couple of weeks in your laboratory exploring along with your groupe Trained in biochemistry and not in geretics I would of course leave the problem in yours hands, but would appreciate the opportunity to gain at least a little more insight. I will await evaluation a d word from you before I approach the Army about such ea visite acts yours "1 ) \ P.Se. I would eppreciate your returning the manuscript when you ere . thru with it, alons with any comments of course.