om fa } if ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE GRADUATE SCHOOL WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER WASHINGTON 12, D.C. IN REPLY REFER TO Bacteriology Department 24, October 1952 Dear Dr. Lederberg, I apologize for the great delay in answering your letter of the 3rd. I just returned from my wedding trip yesterday morning, and much unfinished business was piled on my desk, In the next week or so I should be able to send to you a detailed accoumt of our work with copper - including the method of production of the small colony forms, Suffice it for the present to state that we have been successful in bringing about the change only in a B strain, We have yet to try K 12, but I would not be surprised if it proves to be nore resistant to the action of copper than the B strain, It would be of considerable intsrest and benefit to the over-all problem as well as myself to engage your help and interest as far as the genetic aspects of this phenomenon are concerned, You shall certainly hear from me again very soon. a Sincerely yours, t dbicet L lhe Lawrence L, Weed \ 4 et Poof Aart fox, coed fy | ‘a . / 5 J | = “oe Qe a ee es AA ve “ye 5k¢ vp J cid / = Oar wre Ke, MA 42 ; f . . > eo kote pr Vi Ce eye FRO