STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY DAvenport 1-1200 School of Medicine Yeceimber 19, 1962 Dr, George Wald The Biological Laboratories Harvard University 16 Divinity Avenue Vambridge 38, Massachusetts Dear Dr. Valid: Josh Lederberg showed me your letter of inquiry about your interest in getting a bright young man for your department. He didn't have anyone to suggest, but he knew that I had two people finishing up this coming surnmer. Cne of ther: has already accepted a position but you right be interested in the other. His name is William B. Wood, Jr. and he is, in fact, a chemistry graduate of Harvard College. He will be getting his degree this summer and has already made arrangements for a post- doctoral year in Geneva with Arber in Kellenbarger's laboratory. He would, however, be interested in settling on something suitable before . he goes abroad. Bill came to us in 1959 and chose to work with me on some aspects of our studies on protein synthesis. The first oart of his work is summarized in the enclosed reprint. He has continued these studies with a view to defining the nature of the interaction between the ribo- sore and the RNA made by the RNA polymerase. In particular, he has been trying to find out why RNA made oi single-stranded ONA/ is ineffec- tive in promoting protein synthesis while RNA made with native double- stranded DNA as primer ie active. He has turnec up some rather interesting findings and I think by the time he leaves here he will have rnade a valuable contribution to the field. Jim Vatson is familiar with his work and has met him, so perhaps he might offer an opinion. Also, Dr. Edsall met him ona recent visit here and he too right be able to provide an opinion. Dr. Wald Fage 2 When Bill came here he was highly recommended by various people at Harvard and from our experience 1 would make the recommen- dation far stronger. I would rate hi: us one of the best graduate students I have seen and I have no doubt that others in our departrient would feel the same way. He is extremely well-poised, mature, sensitive, cooper- ative and highly intelligent. He is very well-liked by the other students and does an extremely effective job in teaching and in sersinars. I feel quite safe in predicting a very bright future ior him. If you are at all interested in pursuing this you could contact frthur Kornberg or Mel Sohn (now at the Pasteur Institute) for their Opinions about Wood. oincerely yours, Faul Lery PB:cm cc: Dr. Joshua Lederberg